This is our exciting flagship course on Heaven and Eternity! It was designed to brew joy and point you to Jesus Christ. This study provides a plethora of details about the afterlife and was created through the excavation of scripture.
This workbook requires an audio/video teaching, or, The Joy of Eternity book.
Donate any amount to receive the download password for the workbook. The password will be on your receipt.
Please contact us to inquire about more discipleship opportunities.
Whether your marriage needs a tune-up or an overhaul, this relevant, six session study will give you valuable tools which will help strengthen the bonds of your marriage. This study will also help the two of you make decisions with an eternal perspective as you walk the road to Heaven.
All the material needed for this study is inside the book. This workbook can be used in any setting–alone, with spouse or group.
Donate any amount to receive the download password. The password will be on your receipt.
Please contact us to inquire about more discipleship opportunities.